Thursday, August 30, 2007

Camel Toes.

A friend made me think of this today and I decided that I needed to blog about it because it is seriously a big gripe I have. You know how you look at other women or people and the way they act or dress or wear their hair or care for (or not) their skin? You know how you sometimes wonder HOW anyone could go out looking like that or wearing that or get away with even saying that?

My, "oh my GOD, would she STOP" moments always happen when I see a woman walking around with a Camel Toe. Do you know what a Camel Toe is? Have you heard this expression?

For those of you who have not, let me clue you in: It is when a woman wears her pants jacked up so high and so tight that it basically creates a wedgie in her woman's area. Seriously, push aside the fact of how ugly it looks for a second and think about how uncomfortable that is. I can excuse a woman for the goof of wearing red or black panties with white pants - because she cannot feel how it looks. But a Camel Toe is not something that you can walk around and say, "wow, I never even noticed that." Many of the women who suffer from this delusion are the same ones who refuse to wear thong underwear due to the fact that they are undies that go up your butt.

HELLO???? And those pants are more comfortable?? I say we start a movement.


Tell your friends and neighbors. Show your girlfriends the light and say YES to buying pants the correct size for every part of your body.


-M said...

It should have its own public service announcement!!!!

Natalie said...

You are too funny!

Alie said...